- configuration
- configuration conformation, figure, shape, *formAnalogous words: *outline, contour, silhouette, profile, skyline
New Dictionary of Synonyms. 2014.
New Dictionary of Synonyms. 2014.
configuration — [ kɔ̃figyrasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1190; lat. configuratio 1 ♦ Didact. Forme extérieure, aspect général. La configuration d un pays. ⇒ conformation, figure, forme. « Il put se rendre compte aussitôt de la configuration des lieux » (Alain Fournier). 2 ♦ Sc … Encyclopédie Universelle
configuration — UK US /kənˌfɪgəˈreɪʃən/ noun IT ► [C] the way in which something, such as a computer system or software, is organized to operate: »When you press the spacebar, a message appears informing you that Set up is inspecting your hardware configuration … Financial and business terms
configuration — CONFIGURATION. sub. f. Forme extérieure, ou surface qui borne les corps, et leur donne une figure particulière. La différente configuration des corps. La diverse configuration des parties. [b]f♛/b] Il s emploie surtout en Physique et en Chimie,… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
Configuration — Con*fig u*ra tion, n. [L. configuratio.] 1. Form, as depending on the relative disposition of the parts of a thing; shape; figure. [1913 Webster] It is the variety of configurations [of the mouth] . . . which gives birth and origin to the several … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
configuration — I (confines) noun borders, boundary, bounds, circumscription, contour, delineation, dimensions, edges, extent, framework, frontiers, limitations, limits, line of demarcation, outline, perimeter II (form) noun anatomy, appearance, arrangement,… … Law dictionary
configuration — 1550s, from L. configurationem (nom. configuratio), noun of action from configurare (see CONFIGURE (Cf. configure)) … Etymology dictionary
configuration — [n] arrangement composition, contour, disposition, figure, form, Gestalt, outline, shape, structure; concepts 84,727 … New thesaurus
configuration — ► NOUN ▪ an arrangement of parts or elements in a particular form or figure. DERIVATIVES configurational adjective … English terms dictionary
configuration — [kən fig΄yə rā′shən] n. [L configuratio < configurare, to form after < com , together + figurare: see FIGURE] 1. a) arrangement of parts b) form or figure as determined by the arrangement of parts; contour; outline 2. Chem. the structure of … English World dictionary
Configuration — The term configuration has several meanings. In computing it may refer to: Computer configuration or system configuration Configure (computing) is the output of Autotools and used to detect system configuration. This is referred to as ./configure … Wikipedia